Jane Buckley joined Ami McLean of the Irish Mammies in NZ for a chat about her books, past and future and life as an Irish Mammy.
We streamed this live into the mammies Facebook group and was viewed by 800+ members of our 1600 base which was a huge piece of engagement. We faced minor technical issues in the beginning but sure isn't it typical when you are trying to look flash!
Whether mammies read the books or not they got a great understanding of who Jane is and where she will be going next with her books. Although those who had the books had the chance to have them signed the next day when Jane and her family joined us for soft play. A real down to earth author.
Proud as punch to see she gave us a shout out in an Irish online news outlet too! Check it out here.
We will soon be adding our reviews of the book to goodreads to support our new friend, Jane Buckley. You can share a review here.