I’ve lived in New Zealand for almost 11 years, and it has gone like a flash. But then the 25 years I lived in Ireland went in what seemed like a flash too. Growing up in Northern Ireland came with its set of challenges, some very personal to me. Those challenges, stemming from the conflict, are the type that I don’t think I’ll ever face in New Zealand, which I wonder in the pit of my stomach isn’t part of the reason that I feel so content here in a foreign world?
I guess it’s the fact that I have started my live in New Zealand with my kiwi husband who was been so patient and allowed me the time I needed to spend at home before we moved here and when I really dipped out of my commitment to living in New Zealand in 2015. More so however, it is of course the fact that within the last three years we have started a family of our own and have bought our own home.
With a slow and easy Northern Irish accent, I have always made kiwis inquisitive, and I have been fortunate that from this point of difference, I have built a great network friends, colleagues and acquaintances. I really can’t credit the kiwis and other expats enough for their welcoming and understanding they are being of this girl from Enniskillen.
I turned 40 in March 2020, that month isn’t so much synonymous with my 40th birthday as it is as when the western world effectively shut down with the start of the pandemic we now know as COVID-19. That very month I flew to Chicago to meet my friends and parents for the infamous St Patrick’s Day celebrations and of course my ‘big birthday’ celebrations, but you know what? They never happened, but I did still manage to turn 40!