Who Should Join Irish Mammies in NZ?
If you're a female Irish immigrant living in New Zealand or planning to move there soon, you might be interested in joining the Irish Mammies group. Irish Mammies is a community of Irish women who have come together to support each other and share their experiences of living in New Zealand. But who exactly should join Irish Mammies in NZ? Let's take a closer look at what the group offers and who might benefit from it.
What is Irish Mammies?
Irish Mammies is a community of Irish women who have emigrated to New Zealand. The group was founded by Ami McLean, who wanted to create a support network for other Irish women living in New Zealand. The group has a website (irishmammies.co.nz) and a Facebook group where members can connect with each other, share advice and tips, and organize meetups and events.
Who Should Join?
Irish Mammies is open to any Irish woman living in New Zealand, whether you're a young single person, a couple, or a family with children. The group is particularly focused on supporting mothers, but it's not limited to them. If you're feeling homesick, struggling with the New Zealand way of life, or just looking to make new friends, Irish Mammies can offer you a friendly and welcoming community of like-minded women who understand what it's like to be an Irish expat in New Zealand.
What Does Irish Mammies Offer?
· Irish Mammies offers a variety of resources and support to its members. Here are some of the benefits of joining the group:
· A community of like-minded women who understand the challenges of being an Irish expat in New Zealand.
· Opportunities to make new friends and socialize with other Irish women.
· Advice and tips on everything from finding a job to navigating the New Zealand healthcare system.
· Meetups and events where members can get together and have fun, such as coffee mornings, playdates for kids, and nights out.
· A platform to share your own experiences and advice with others in the community.
How does the mammies operate?
They are a not for profit, they work with the support of volunteers, sometimes there will receive funding for specific projects. They do not own a building nor have a physical home by design as they focus on community support nationwide. There is no cost to join the group and all events are optional as they know how tough life can get.
If you're an Irish female expat living in New Zealand, joining Irish Mammies could be a great way to find comfort in your new home and have a home away from home. You do not need to have children to become one of the mammies. Join now to connect with other Irish women, make new friends, and get support and advice on navigating life in New Zealand.